Gonzalez-Lang, Ignacio
Ignacio Lang
1999 B.F.A., California Institute of the Arts, Valecia, CA
2003 M.F.A., Columbia University, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Born in Puerto Rico in 1975
2004 Piece Peace, Art in General, New York, NY
2001 Las Acacias, Otras Islas, ARCO, Madrid, Spain
2000 Señal, Espai 13, Fundacion Joan Miro, Barcelona, Spain
PARAÍSO, ltd los angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Bienniel Fotografica, Museo de las Américas, Cuartel de Ballajá, San Juan, PR
Plus One, Perry Rubenstein Gallery, New York, NY
Amerika, Dvir Gallery, Armory Show, New York, NY
It Wonʼt Stop Until We Talk, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Cintas Fellows, Frost Art Museum, Miami, FL
Autopsia de lo Invisible, MALBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
M.A.S.H, The Helena, New York, NY
Warlord, Smith-Stewart, New York, NY
WBT, Harris Lieberman, New York, NY
Foam of the Daze, Smith-Stewart, New York, NY
View 11:Upstate, Mary Boone Gallery, New York, NY
Survivor, Bortolami, New York, NY
Biennale Cuvee, OK Centrum Fur Gegemwartskunst, Linz, Austria
Papering, Deutche Bank, New York, NY
Into the Light, Espacio 1414, Santurce, PR
Day Labor, P.S.1/MoMA Contemporary Art Center, New York, NY
33 1⁄2, ICA, London, England
IX Baltic Triennial, Contemporary Art Center (CAC), Vilnius, Lithuania
Import/Export, RISD Museum, Providence, RI
Ninguna de Las Anteriores, MARP, San Juan, PR
Exposicion de Apertura, Espacio 1414, Santurce, PR
Always Already Passé, Gavin Brownʼs Enterprise, New York, NY
Island Nations, RISD Museum, Providence, RI
None of the Above, Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
Only Skin Deep: Changing Visions of the American Self, International Center of Photography, New York, NY
24/7, Contemporary Art Center (CAC), Vilnius, Lithuania
Hondo, Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes, Mexico City, Mexico
Inter.Play, The Moore Space, Miami, FL
Mark Dionʼs Urban Wildlife Observation Unit, Public Art Fund, New York, NY
Espacios Hipertextuales, Museo Nacional de Arte, Mexico City, Mexico
3er Festival International de Arte Sonoro, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City, Mexico
Un Oasis en el Desierta Azul, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR
Premio de Aquicision, Museo de Arte de Ponce, Ponce, PR
Puerto Rico 01, M&M Projects, San Juan, PR
Cintas Grant Finalist, Cintas Grant
Art Matters Grant
The Hayward Award
Museo de Arte de Ponce; Acquisition Prize
Elena Filipovic, ʻIgnacio Langʼ, Creamier: Contemporary Art in Culture, Phaidon Press, London. Celina Nogueras, Cuevas, Frescos: 50 Puerto Rican Artists under 35, PR.
Allora Calzadilla, ʻFuture Greats:Ignacio Langʼ, Art Review, March 2008. Judith Savloff, ʻArte Hecho con Retazos de Muerteʼ, Critica del Argentina, March 10. Ana Martinez Quijano, ʻLa Idea, Anterior a las Perceptionesʼ, Ambito Financiero, March 9. Alicia de Arteaga, ʻLos Ojos Abiertosʼ, La Nacion, March 8. Fabián Lebenglik, ʻCuando el Arte Habla de Violenciaʼ, Pagina 12, March 4. Mercedes Urquiza, ʻHistorias Ocultas en el MALBA, Perfil, March 2. Mariana Rolandi, ʻCinco Artistas Latinoamericanos Indagan en la Violencia Cotidiana, Clarin, February 29.
Frances Negrón-Muntaner, None of the Above, Palgrave Macmillan.
2006 Liutauras Psibilskis, ʻIX Baltic Triennial of International Artʼ, Artforum, February.
2005 Roberta Smith, ʻDay Laborʼ, New York Times, November 11.
2003 Coco Fusco and Brian Wallis, ed., Only Skin Deep: Changing Visions of the American Self, International Center of Photography/Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
2002 Ileana Lopez Aviles, ʻThe Concept of Photographyʼ, Puerto Rico Herald, July 17.